Frankfurt am Main

Tecnologia edilizia Hafenbogen


In the financial and service metropolis of Frankfurt am Main, two subsidiaries of the Elevion Group jointly managed a major project as overall technical building equipment providers: For the Hafenbogen office complex, Rudolf Fritz GmbH and Efficient Technical Solutions GbmH ETS implemented the electrical engineering as well as the heating, air-conditioning, sanitary, sprinkler and I&C technology for the 12-story building.


Two project managers and site managers were assigned at ETS and Rudolf Fritz respectively in order to be able to manage the coordination effort effectively, and the teams were put together while, as so often happens, the deployment date was pushed back due to various delays. In accordance with the high fire protection specifications, the building was equipped with a smoke protection pressure system (RDA), which ensures that the escape routes are kept free of smoke in the event of a fire by the targeted supply of compressed air. Furthermore, the Rudolf Fritz managers installed - also in the area of the underground car park - a dual voice system which, in the event of a necessary evacuation, controls the relevant parts of the building via around 1,300 installed loudspeakers and regulates the necessary procedure by means of voice announcements. A large part of the electrotechnical work required the low-voltage installation with around 270,000 meters of cables and lines, 2,800 installation devices, 900 floor tanks and 2,300 lights. 

The two central elements of the heating and air-conditioning, plumbing and sprinkler systems, which were carried out by ETS, are located in the basement and on the roof of the 46.5-meter-high structure. The heat supply is provided by the existing district steam network of the energy suppliers of the city of Frankfurt by means of indirect supply. The heat is transferred and converted into building heating energy using a heat exchanger system in the technical room provided for this purpose in the basement. During the summer months, the 1,100 kW district heating system also serves to operate the absorption cooling machines. During the winter months, a component heating system tempers the office units by means of concrete core activation through plastic pipes through which heating water flows. A pleasant indoor climate in the office areas and staff restaurants is provided by ceiling-oriented heating and cooling sails, which can be heated or cooled at the desired output and controlled section by section by means of MSR.


Neue Mainzer Str. 52
60311 Frankfurt am Main
"Installatori, capi cantiere e capi progetto: tutti hanno mostrato uno spirito di squadra".

Aspetti principali

  • Teleriscaldamento a vapore con potenza termica totale di 1.100 kW
  • Macchina di raffreddamento ad assorbimento (bromuro di litio salino) capacità 1.000 kW
  • Potenza macchina frigorifera raffreddata ad aria 1.000 kW
  • Sistema di ventilazione comfort totale 82.000 m2/h
  • Alimentazione principale
  • Installazione a bassa tensione
  • Sistema di alimentazione di emergenza con una capacità di 400 kVA in versione container
  • Sistema di illuminazione di sicurezza con ca. 950 apparecchi
  • Sistema di allarme antincendio completo con ca. 1.600 rilevatori di fumo
  • Allarme vocale con tecnologia centrale
  • Sistemi combinati di videocitofono e controllo accessi
  • Rete dati con ca. 55 armadi server
We are here for you!
Rudolf Fritz GmbH